
How To Use Your Phone With Long Nails

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As someone who's worn long nails for extended periods of fourth dimension, hither are 15 of the about annoying things I've experienced in no particular social club.

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1. Putting on any type of jewelry that has a squeeze. Y'all can forget about clasping your favorite statement or dainty necklace with fake nails on, because it'due south damn near impossible. Your merely options to putting on any type of jewelry (unless it's a ring) is to wait until you're at work or with a friend to get their assistance. Otherwise, allot 20 minutes to half an 60 minutes of pure frustration trying to get your bracelet on and know you lot still might not succeed.

2. Inserting earrings into your ears. If your nails are long and your earrings are little, they're going to fall into the sea that is the underside of your nail. And so you lot have a few options: (1) put in your tiny studs when your nails are short and never wait dorsum, (2) try, with every ounce of effort in yous, to hold on to the small-scale stud with the bodily pads of your fingers while you secure it, (3) telephone a friend for help, or (four) wear bigger earrings, like hoops or chandelier earrings, that yous can actually hold on to.

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three. Typing on a keyboard. You typically type with the tops of your fingertips close to your nail, but with long AF nails, you have to change your typing means and use the pads of your finger more. Aforementioned goes for typing on your phone. Also, exist prepared to striking the wrong keys ALL THE Fourth dimension. alsk@%$@#!

4. You can't be silent while texting or typing. Whether information technology's your keyboard, phone screen, or whatever, you're constantly followed past this tap, tap, tapping sound that either soothes you lot and contributes to the white noise, or annoys everyone around you.

5. Retrieving any blazon of card from whatsoever type of slot. Watch Associate Dazzler Editor Brooke Shunatona *try* (and fail) to become her laundry card out of the machine with long AF fake nails on.

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half dozen. Putting on whatever type of makeup that you'd usually apply with your fingers. Buss putting on foundation with your fingertips good-bye, because you'll most likely create all types of divots in your makeup when you try to utilise it while wearing simulated nails. You besides can't blend anything onto your confront, like blush or bronzer, because one false movement and an accidental smash swipe can look like y'all're trying to etch your proper noun into your face.

vii. Flossing. This is hard plenty to practice when the floss is and then tightly wrapped around your finger that you feel like it's going to autumn off. Then yous throw long nails into the mix and they're poking your gums, keeping your from really getting in in that location and cleaning between your teeth. So only stock up on floss picks, similar Oral B Glide Consummate Scope Outlast Floss Selection, so your dentist doesn't yell at you.

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eight. Buttoning annihilation. A shirt, pants, jacket — it's all a struggle. You used to exist able to button or unbutton your shirt or pants at the speed of light, just now you have to use both hands and the sides of your fingers to get any button done or undone. It's no longer the cat-eye that makes you late for piece of work; information technology's your button-downwardly shirt.

9. Opening a tin can of soda. Yous now accept to utilise the side of your finger to endeavor to jimmy it open up to avoid breaking or bending your nail backward. Ouch!

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10. Wearing gloves. Your gloves used to fit y'all until you added one-half an inch or more to the end of your fingers, and now they fit all weird, so you're forced to wear mittens.

11. Applying false lashes. This is hard enough to exercise with brusk nails. But with long nails, you now you lot have to use tweezers to place your fake lashes on your lash line, which is terrifying by itself — *abrupt tool near eyes.*

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12. Holding an eye pencil or using a slant-tip brush to put on eyeliner.Simply like property a writing pencil or pen is more hard, so is wielding an eyeliner to try and create a gorgeous graphic true cat-eye on your confront. Also, forget fixing smudges.

xiii. Putting in contacts. What used to be a popular-them-in-and-go type of routine has now turned into a potentially blinding state of affairs. I imitation move and your vision is blurry, your middle is watering, and your liner and mascara are making their mode down your face up like this:

LC crying


14. Running your hands through your pilus. If you wear acrylics and you run your easily through your hair equally they start to grow out, chances are strands will get caught between your nail and the edges of the acrylics. And more ofttimes than not, the strand of hair pulls out and gets stuck nether your fake nail, which always crawly. #Not.

xv. Wiping yourself when yous go to the bathroom. You lot have to be superconscientious for obvious reasons.

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How To Use Your Phone With Long Nails,


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